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Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New US / Israel Deal Proves Futility of UN Membership

The US have once again shown the total futility of United Nations membership, by assuring Israel that they would assist them in avoiding any legal or (Moral) consequences relating to the murders committed during the War on Gaza, the illegal boarding and further murders on board the flotilla, not to mention the blatant theft of personal belongings that came to light after all the vessels on the flotilla were pirated into an Israeli port.

However in the latest (cover up) deal offered by the US in return for a 90 day moratorium which really means (“Don’t let the media know) does not speak of East Jerusalem at all??.

So what IS on the table? The US has agreed to use its vote (veto) against any United Nations proposal or criticism of Israel, which will (we believe) include the Goldstone Report which Clinton herself, guaranteed Israel would be shelved and America would see to that. Next, the UN report /suggested actions on the Flotilla murders and of course, the War on Gaza where amongst others over 300 children and BABIES were murdered by the hand of Israel and UN humanitarian supply sites were bombed DESPITE coordinates being supplied to the IDF.

What is the point of United Nations membership? What is the point of the United Nations?

Politician after politician and UN member/ Manager /Directors / Investigators have gone to Gaza over the past year or so, time and time again, they took their turn in condemning the actions of Israel both in the past, during the War On Gaza and in the present, YET nothing is EVER done! Simply because the UN has NO POWER without US backing.

This moratorium, like the last will serve no purpose what so ever, except to further enrage the right wing loonies in Israel. So there will be 90 days of no building (wink wink) except for in East Jerusalem, which in actual fact only serves to lessen the chances of a two state solution, with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.