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Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Friday, June 25, 2010

Boycott Israel, a sign from above!

OK, first things first,  I waxed lyrical with the title above (I admit that), couldn't resist it!  If you think that a sign was sent from the creator to boycott Israel, then I apologise.

Former TUI President ('89-'92), Billy Fitzpatrick skydived from 4,000 metres at the Skydive Ireland Airfield in Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, wearing his IPSC "Boycott Israel" t-shirt to further make the point that Israel must be boycotted..

Mr. Fitzpatrick pictured below said:  "After the recent massacre on the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza in international waters, surely the only course available to civil society now is the one called for by the IPSC, ICTU and TUI: the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel?"..

A committed Billy before the Skydive

 For those of you, like me, who have a terrible time just climbing a three step ladder, to change a light bulb, Billy's skydive would be a nightmare just to contemplate. For Billy on his first Skydive it was just another day at the office and a way to further highlight the current situation for Palestinians under Israeli occupation.

Billy on the way down.

After a lifetime in education, Mr. Fitzpatrick had considered seeking sponsorship for the rebuilding of some of the schools flattened in last year’s Gaza bombardment. "However, I felt that helping to pressurise Israel from continuing its seemingly endless cycle of attacks, through the kind of painstaking education and campaigning work carried out by the IPSC and others, was probably more effective", he said.

Speaking on behalf of the IPSC Freda Hughes thanked Mr. Fitzpatrick for his kind and brave gesture and his ongoing support for Palestine in this country.

If you would like to see the video of Mr. Fitzpatrick's BRAVE Skydive please cut and paste the link below:


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sometimes, it just takes one!

How many times have you heard the excuse, what can I do, one man alone?, the answer is, sometimes it just takes one person to help change things!

Blood Diamonds seemed a thing of the past when eventually Apartheid South Africa, became the South Africa we all know & love today.  However, Blood Diamonds have again reared their ugly head, that is Israeli blood Diamonds, which without doubt are the single largest contributor to the Israeli state finances (approx. $20. billion per year), apart from the USA.
Israel is a member of the Kimberly process, which was set up to ensure that diamonds could not be used to finance terrorism, (state or otherwise). Furthermore, the Kimberly process was supposed to restrict diamond sales from States alleged to have committed crimes against humanity, as Israel has against the Palestinian people.
But (there is always a But), the hole in the net, (so to speak), is that the Kimberly process only covers rough cut or uncut diamonds, Israel produces only cut polished diamonds, therefore Israel is free from any scrutiny from the Kimberly process, despite accusations against Israeli leaders regarding war and Human Rights violations.  Effectively Israel has found the hole in the net and are using it to their total advantage!
In view of this the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) has released the following press statement:   

The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign calls on Irish Jewellers to do the following: 

Desist from telling customers that Diamonds are now "conflict Free" when 50% of gem quality diamonds are crafted in Israel, one of the worlds Bloodiest conflict zones.

Support the call for an URGENT review of the Kimberly Process, SO THAT ALL diamonds that  
fund human rights abuses are banned, not just rough diamonds that fund such abuses.

Call on the diamond industry to Hallmark ALL diamonds, so consumers have the right to know where
each diamond was crafted & the right to choose genuine conflict free diamonds.
Provide laser-inscribed diamonds manufactured in countries that respect human rights & International law and refuse to sell diamonds crafted in Israel until it fully complies with its obligations under
International law. 

One man is on the ground in Israel, where the Kimberley process is based at the moment for it's latest meetings. He is Irishman  Tommy Donnellan, and he took part in a protest outside the Kimberly Process Conference, held in the Hotel Dan Panorama in Tel Aviv. 

Tommy, holding the IPSC, boycott Blood Diamonds signs .

Of course, Tommy was duly approached by Tel Aviv's finest (Police) and was asked to immediately give over to the state, his passport & mobile phone.  Israeli Police took all details including all names and numbers in Mr. Donnellan's mobile phone.

Israel's latest cheap moves, smack of desperation !

 Either, old age is making me cynical or I have seen so much from Israel over the years, that no matter how low they go, It no longer surprises me.

Here are the latest cheap moves from the Zionist State.  Firstly, they are on a recruitment drive in the USA (no great surprise there I guess), they are advertising apartment blocks in Jerusalem, trying to recruit more settlers to go to Israel, the latest showing was in NY just a couple of days ago. In their video you get a virtual tour of this new apartment block, with breathtaking views of the Wall, the Knesset and rolling green lawns surrounding each block.  To encourage the fair people of NY, to leave the grimy rat infested streets, there are other little bonus items, such as a guaranteed job, government assisted rent payments and of course the promise of a better life in the Holy land.  Sounds so good, it almost makes ya think, where do I sign up?

Live in luxury in the Holy land, whilst Palestinians are driven out of their homes, look at the rolling green grass, carefully manicured, so as to feel like the best carpet underfoot,  but don't worry about the blood and sweat of the Palestinian family who once lived where the grass now grows.  Remember that awe inspiring view over the city of Jerusalem?  where one can clearly see fellow settlers go about their daily chores, with automatic weapons strapped to their clean, fresh and almost perfectly pressed garments.  It's all there for the taking! so long as you leave your humanity behind with the garbage and rats in NY.
By the way, before you leave NY, don't forget to wave and thank the average Joe, driving the Taxi Cab to get his teenage Daughter or Son into college,  before starting his second job in a greasy spoon diner. After all  it's his tax dollars that will pay for your dream life in the Holy land.

Oh Yea,  second, I almost forgot, again remember that description of the apartments? YES?  then you will remember that from this abode of  humanity, one could see the Knesset. Where the political minds of Israel gather to run the Zionist state (into the ground), guess what these vessels of intellect have been cooking up in the past weeks?  If you are thinking, a way to release Israel from the the doom that awaits it,  you would be wrong.  No, instead like little children, they are hatching new plans to SHUT UP, those pesky Human Rights activists,  I kid ye not!  (excuse the pun)..  A new bill, now the third one aims at restricting the activities of (you guessed it) Human Rights groups and Peace activists within Israel and  the OPT (Occupied Palestinian Territory). 

Bill no.1, was set to restrict funding of NGO's by foreign governments, which they claim is easily achieved by labeling such NGO's as political, thus not being able to avail of charitable status in Israel.

Bill no.2,  (was obviously cooked up during a game of spin the bottle), This forbids the registration of any charity involved directly or indirectly in the pursuance of war crimes against Israeli leaders or members of government.

Bill no.3, This one seeks to OUTLAW any activities which involve Boycott of Israeli goods, services, organisations or individuals, be they in Illegal settlements, OPT or Israel itself.   This is the most serious of the three, as it could effectively be used to ban entry into Israel and the OPT, this ban could result in immediate arrest of members of the Palestinian Authority and foreign governments deemed to partake in Boycott activity. It was proposed almost immediately after the PA decision to boycott settler goods.  Although not yet approved, it's effect would indeed be far reaching, as it would seriously inhibit the work of NGO's, charities and governments involved in the BDS campaign.

For the fullest description of the proposed bills mentioned above please cut and paste the link below:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Barak, trade MURDERS for food!

Barak, has just effectively asked to trade the lives of those MURDERED by Israel, on the Freedom Flotilla, for ease of goods into Gaza. Of course he is too clever to say it as straight up and honest as we have just done, but his statement means exactly the same thing. This bastion of absolute evil, (Barak) said "there is no reason for an International investigation into the flotilla (MURDERS) because there is going to be free movement of goods into Gaza".
Firstly WE must never accept LESS than a full investigation into these MURDERS, and the Israeli government must be held responsible at all costs. Second, this WITHOUT doubt proves that the government in Tel Aviv have indeed been slowly starving over 1.5 million people on a little strip of land called Gaza, there is also no doubt that the so called humans in the Israeli government (and I mean so called) will wallow in the knowledge that the Great people of Gaza will be seen world wide getting all these gifts from Israel.  Make no mistake, these are not gifts, this IS NOT AID, Israel will not be able to trade goodwill around the world as the did by being on the ground in Haiti.
Unless you think the dreadful treatment of those imprisoned in the concentration camps under the Nazis rule were given gifts when VERY occasionally fed. and YES I am drawing comparison, damn right, I am.

The latest statement from the so called leader of the free world (what a joke!), or to be pedantic about it his government, is that they are happy to see the movement of goods into Gaza! Please Mr President, spare us the special relationship BS, be a man for God's sake and grow a pair!

Whilst this is going on, what we in Europe don't know is that the low life government of Israel, when not slithering around on their bellies, are trying everything possible in the US (seat of the leader of the free world), to get American backing, to effectively make illegal (or apply the terrorist label) on human rights groups such as I.H.H..  There is no doubt that the Zionist run and financed AIPAC, will succeed because the government of America has become spineless. WHY??  Because money is king or Leader of the SO CALLED free world.

I make no apology for the use of CAPS

Monday, June 21, 2010

The ease on Gaza

We have been pondering the situation of Gaza, more to the point the Israeli stance and wondering what was really going on. This week during on-going meetings, all sorts of reports came out of Tel Aviv, They were going to ease the blockade, then meetings were canceled without real conclusions and no further date for another meeting set.
However the latest news received was that Israel produced a document stating that there would be an ease on the Gaza strip, this would normally be occasion for celebration, apart from the fact that this document was produced in English and Hebrew. So what? you might ask, isn't that a normal thing for Israel to do?
Well the answer is Yes, however on this occasion the statement in English differed from the one released in Hebrew! The English statement mentioned Israels intention to ease the current situation in Gaza, however the one in Hebrew DID NOT.
So here is the question, is Mr. Netanyahu fibbing to the rest of the world in English? or to the people of Israel? If the fib is directed at the Israeli people, what chance will is there that the ease on Gaza will actually happen? Remember in the past when an Israeli leader hid information or fibbed to the people who elected him / her, the result was a total wipe out at the next election.
What is without doubt is that Mr. Netanyahu is in an almost impossible position, on the one hand he is trying to keep pressure from other state leaders off by making gestures to satisfy them. On the other hand he must consider the possible harm, that softening on the situation of Gaza  might do to him and his party at the next election. I guess time, as usual will tell, which face presented by Mr. Netanyahu and the Israeli government is the real one and which one is the token .

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Heroes from the M.V. Rachel Corrie in Waterford

Lately, there has been little reason for Human Rights and Peace activists to celebrate, despite the fact, that without doubt, those on The Freedom Flotilla, have achieved more than ever achieved before, in highlighting the inhumane plight of the Palestinian people. The Murder of the heroes on the IHH vessel and the INSANE insistence of the Israeli government, backed it seems by the American government, that there should ONLY be an internal investigation into the flotilla murders, has been VERY heavy on all our minds.

However on Thursday evening the 17th of June, Waterford City on the south east coast of Ireland, welcomed Derek and Jenny Graham of the M.V. Rachel Corrie. Derek and Jenny gave several radio and press interviews earlier in the day, and quite simply won the hearts and minds of the people of this great city.

At the scheduled meeting and official interview the county Mayo couple were simply electric!  Mr. Graham gave a heart wrenching description of a previous visit to Gaza, in particular calling to mind his visit to a pediatric unit of the main hospital. With a very audible crackle in his otherwise, strong and clearly heard voice, he began to describe the whole situation, on arriving at the unit, Mr. Graham described the image of one infant who had been born premature at 26 weeks, and (he explained) already this little miracle had the odds stacked against it. You see, this infant was Male and as with all males under 35 years of age was immediately considered by the Israeli State as a TERRORIST. On asking the doctor present, what the child was suffering from the answer was shocking, this little HELPLESS miracle required an immediate operation, however the problem was lack of anesthetic! Mr. Graham asked why they had a shortage and were could it be gotten from? the nearest available supply was not very far away, in fact had Mr. Graham been in Dublin, London or NY for example, fresh supplies could have been retrieved within minutes literally!  "However we were in Gaza, and getting any kind of medical equipment or medicines was next to impossible" he continued. To get permission from Israel took more time to get approved, never mind delivered than the little infant actually had on this Earth. Mr. Graham drew a breath and momentarily seemed to fight back his emotions before continuing, "Because of the terrorist label, an innocent little male infant would die within days. He had never made any mark on this world, never spoke his first words or gave greatly deserved and long wanted joy to his parents and yet he was to be denied life! his crime being born male".
Jenny Graham (his wife and another member of the Rachel Corrie), interjected at this point sensing her husbands struggle with his emotions. She said: "What Derek is describing to you all, is not the exception to the rule, it is very common, and somehow the people of Gaza still bravely manage to go on day after day. The problem is not availability, it's RED TAPE and often simply collective punishment". 
Derek continued: Yes that is it, collective punishment! after seeing one or two more infants, Derek said: " I stopped asking the question, why won't that infant survive. Because I knew all too well the answer would time and again be the same.

If there was one thing abundantly clear to all who came into contact with the Grahams, it was that they were a very special and very loving couple, each one protective of the other and each the power behind the other. Yet they were modest almost to a fault. One of the audience stood up to commend their actions and to call for recognition from all attending, that we were indeed in the presence of HEROES.
Both Derek and Jenny were visibly embarrassed by this statement, although thanking the speaker from the floor, Jenny said: "We are ordinary everyday people, nothing more, we just happened to be lucky enough to be in a position, where we could go to Gaza or get involved in the Freedom Flotilla mission", she continued: the real heroes are you guys the people on the ground, knowing that you were all behind us, is what made us feel safe on board the Rachel Corrie. We knew the people of Ireland were aware of us and all on the vessels on the flotilla, we even knew people would be wishing us the best and in many, many cases even praying for our safety. But since we got home to Ireland we have been totally overwhelmed by the volume of well wishers and the love shown by the people of this country. We are just lucky, Lucky to be able to help, lucky to have made it home alive and most of all, lucky to be Irish. If there are heroes, they are the Mothers of Gaza who on a daily basis fight for survival, fight to feed and keep their families safe and together, and the children who grow up wondering if the world outside Palestine is like theirs, asking all those they see as outsiders if they too, have soldiers knocking down their homes, or beating down their doors in the middle of the night, these are the real heroes.

There are NO words to accurately describe people like the Grahams, because there are no words in the English language powerful enough, to get across to others just how very special they are. Suffice to say,  if there are Angels or spirits out there doing good in the face of total evil, then surely there is a place amongst them, after this life for Derek and Jenny Graham.