100% Palestine blogger

Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ease on Gaza won't help suffering population.

Despite claims to the contrary, Israel’s alleged easing of the illegal blockade on the Gaza strip WILL NOT alleviate the suffering of the general population within Gaza.

In simple terms, hospitals, schools, Mosques and other general municipal buildings destroyed by the Israeli military during the war on Gaza cannot be rebuilt, as Israel forbids building materials being given to the general municipal council in Gaza.

Along with the obvious banned goods like weapons and munitions etc. are what is described by Israel as “dual use goods”, which include everyday items such as sealants, fibres and animal hair (for furniture construction), carbons and glass variants (sand papers etc.) ball bearings (washing machines and general machinery), fertilisers (even those noted as being unusable in the construction of explosive devices), and many other cleaners and general chemicals, computers and general communications equipment.

To define "dual use items," the statement references the Wasenaar Arrangement, an international arms control model. The Wasenaar Arrangement defines as "dual use" hundreds of items, which are detailed in a 208 page document.
This is the link to the dual use lists: http://www.wassenaar.org/controllists/index.html
All (cleared) goods will be made available via the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) and international bodies for general building purposes only.

Furthermore, Waterford IPSC notes the REFUSAL of the Quartet representative Tony Blair, to declare or even state, that the blockade on Gaza is an ILLEGAL blockade. Instead Mr Blair stated “that’s not an important point”. We would suggest that it’s a very important point to the people of Gaza.

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