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Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Investigation into Mavi Marmara by Israel, --> CLEARS ISRAEL!

Then again what did we really expect? In the past two or three years alone the Zionist state and their military have proved time and again, that they are completely beyond ANY law.

Remember these are the same people that ridiculed the Goldstone report after killing innocents and Children in an open prison, they call Gaza.

The Goldstone report was shelved with the help of the USA. 1400 people murdered but no consequences, of that 1400 almost 400 were children /Babies.

Using children as shields, credit card and jewellery thefts, killing women holding WHITE flags, use of illegal weapons, white phosphorous etc, assassinations, children as young as 8 years old held in Israeli prisons, the list goes on and on, there seems to be no limit to the crimes that Israel is allowed to commit.

Then the murders of 8 Turks and 1 American /Turk on board the Mavi Marmara in International waters, and the killers are allowed not only to steal human dignity, property, and money, they are also allowed to investigate themselves and tell blatant lies that will never be refuted by anybody,again no consequences.

This commission’s findings are farcical and make a total mockery of international law, the fact that this vessel was illegally boarded in International waters is not taken into consideration and there was NO testimony from independent witnesses, only Israeli witnesses who were on board the Mavi Marmara.

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