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Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Monday, February 21, 2011

West Bank protests against US Veto

Protesters gathered in the West Bank to protest against the President Obama ORDERED veto against the P.A. attempt to have ILLEGAL Israeli settlements condemned.
The other 14 member states of the Security Council ALL agreed to vote in favour of the resolution , however President Obama ordered his UN ambassador to veto the measure, despite the FACT that he himself described the settlements as being an “Obstacle to Peace”.

Mrs Clinton has also added her dog to this fight by stating that should the Palestinian Authority pursue the matter further, the US would consider the withdrawal of US aid to Palestine.
The sum Clinton was referring to is $200 million dollars a year, whilst at the same time the US provides Israel with the princely sum of $6 BILLION dollars of US tax payer’s monies in direct and indirect aid.

There have been protests across Palestine and in Tel-Aviv Israel. In Tel-Aviv protesters were carrying signs stating US, EU It’s time to BDS and another saying Stop the US supported occupation of Palestine.

However the Israeli leadership has long believed (maybe rightly) that Israel is beyond the laws of the UN. Ariel Sharon made that clear with the following statement:

Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial…… Ariel Sharon (2001).


Mrs Clinton courtesy of AP
Tel-Aviv Protest courtesy of +972 News Magazine


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