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Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lieberman: Israel requires “at least a decade” for peace with Palestinians!

The latest from Israel comes in the form of a statement by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman the champion of the settlers, who claimed that “at least a decade” would be required by Israel to achieve any peace accord with the Palestinians.

This is simply stalling tactics on the part of the Zionist entity, as ten years more would see the total ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians from East Jerusalem and the greater part of the West Bank, not to mention the fact that the people of Gaza can NOT wait another 10 years for a solution to what is the obvious imprisonment and punishment of a people by the Zionists.

Right now, on a daily basis homes are destroyed ILLEGALLY in East Jerusalem by the Zionists, leaving entire families, sometimes generations of Palestinian families without a home, despite the fact that Israel is clearly breaking International law.

The International community does not have the back bone to do anything about this situation and as a result allows the Zionist entity to rule Palestine as they see fit.

Since 1982 the United States has used its veto powers 32 times to protect the Zionist entity from any action by the United Nations, thus proving the fact that the UN needs to be either totally scrapped or overhauled in a way that no one power / country, has the ability to stand in the way of the UN’s duty to other nations or peoples who are currently being occupied and brutalised.

If this were the case and the UN was running as it should be, there would be UN Peace Keepers on the original borders between Israel and Palestine and the Zionist entity would have to abide by the rule of law. However there are NO peace keepers in Palestine and those that are on the border of Israel and Lebanon are about as much use as discarded cigarette butts, in other words they are visible but because of lack of political will on the part of the UN they serve no proper purpose, as has been proved by the fact that almost on a daily basis the IAF (Israeli Air Force) invade Lebanese air space for hours on end without ANY consequence, Yet one can imagine the reaction from the Israelis and her allies, if the Lebanese army was to down one of these aircraft, as is their right of self defence.

Lieberman, has called on numerous occasions for the total expulsion of all Arabs from the occupied territories and the expansion of Jewish settlements to all areas.

This may be acceptable to Mr Lieberman and his cronies, but there is growing opposition even from within Israel.

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