An Arab-Israeli man was accused of rape despite the fact that the act was consensual.
The man in question is Sabbar Kashur, aged 30, an Arab-Israeli resident of Jerusalem, Mr Kashur told the Jewish-Israeli woman that he was a Jewish bachelor and the couple proceeded to have consensual sex. After the woman found out that Mr Kashur was in fact Arab and called the Israeli Police accusing the man of rape on grounds of deception.
Guys, be honest here, how many times have you told some young woman that you were a Pilot, Jockey or TV star, just to impress her?
Ladies, how many times have you told some guy that you were a model or a business executive or just simply fibbed about your age?
It happens,and we all did it at one time or another, maybe innocently trying to impress someone you really liked or maybe in the hope of a one night stand.
It has also been alleged by a UK newspaper that the Israeli woman first accused Mr Kashur of rape and indecent assault after finding out he was Arab, but later admitted that the sex was consensual.
Either way Kashur is now facing a prison term of 18 months and the stigma of being a rapist for the rest of his life.
This reminded me of a man I met in the southern United States in the early ‘90’s, he was a very happy, pleasant gentleman, who was at one time in his early 20’s, accused of rape by a white woman (despite it being consensual), he explained that the woman was married and they were discovered by her family. Anyway her husband told her to say she was raped, because a black man couldn’t have consensual sex with a white woman, you see no self-respecting white woman would have anything to do with a black man.
This fine well-mannered man in his 70’s was sent to prison for several years for a rape he did not commit.
This was in the dark ages of the 1940’s and thankfully things have changed for the better. However here we are in 2010 and an Arab is being sent to prison for raping a Jewish Israeli woman, not because she refused to have sex with him and he forced himself on her, not because she asked him to stop half way, but because he was an Arab.
It’s a simple case of RACISM, nothing more nothing less. Israel has again proved herself to be an openly racist state (that can get away with anything).
I have always believed that should a man be accused and proved beyond a doubt, to have raped a woman, then that man must face the harshest penalty. Equally if a woman accuses an innocent man of rape, then she must face the harshest penalty. Simply because so many women suffer this terrible crime every day, very often they don’t report the crime or it doesn’t even make it to court for lack of evidence. Worst of all victims of rape are made to relive the actual rape in the presence of the man accused of the crime, in court.
It is without doubt the most heinous, degrading and disabling crime, as victims often spend the rest of their lives living and reliving the original rape.
As someone who was raped as a very young boy several decades ago now, I find the cheapening of the crime of rape by the Israeli judicial system to be morally offensive and a belittling of the pain and anguish that ALL rape victims suffer all of their lives.
Every Rape Crisis Center and agency should unite in condemnation of this abuse of all rape victims by the Israeli judicial system, simply to hide their racist motives.