Many people have said many times how they never cease to be amazed by the open racism shown by the Israeli government.
The latest from Tel-Aviv depicts the governments concerns about the growing number of illegal’s crossing the border between Egypt and Israel. Yet this is not a financial concern, nor concerns about illegal entry by persons with less than savoury or criminal backgrounds.
No, this is about the fear of the Israeli government that these lesser mortals might in some way settle and become members of Israeli society and in effect cause a thinning out process of the Israeli blood stock.
However, we are not talking about horses, when we mention bloodstock, No, we are talking of human beings.
One can’t help questioning if the motive has more to do with religious belief, when one takes into consideration that all Jews are openly welcome in Israel and receive in most cases automatic citizenship.
Netanyahu has at the very least, proved beyond a doubt Israel’s commitment or lack thereof, in forming an equal and just Israeli society.
His latest recommendation to the Knesset is to create a large detention center at an estimated cost to the Israeli tax payer of between $300million And $400 million US dollars. This center is really being built in the Negev desert as a consequence of the fact that Israel is obliged under International law to consider all applications for citizenship. Under this law it is forbidden to send nationals either illegally or legally in the country back to their country of origin without considerations of safety etc.
"There is a swelling wave threatening Israeli jobs, a wave of illegal migrants that we must stop because of the harsh implications for Israel's character," Mr Netanyahu said:
Now is he referring to financial implications? And if so could we expect to see a curbing of immigration from other nations including Jews? I somehow don’t think so, therefore one must conclude that the term “Israel’s character” refers to the inclusion of non-Jews.
This claim that all immigrants (non-Jewish) are somehow a direct threat to the State of Israel is most ironic when you take into account the historical fact that all Israelis are in fact mostly European immigrants in the land of Palestine.
The detention Center is claimed to be a humanitarian solution and NOT a prison, merely a place to hold migrants until Israel finds a way to get rid of this problem.
ADD to this the fact that Israeli law recently played a part in giving two IDF soldiers only a 3 month suspended sentence for using a CHILD as a human shield and declared that their action was conduct unbecoming of an IDF member.
You can’t help thinking that ANY life(except an Israeli life) is worthless in the view of the Israeli government.
One would imagine it anything, Israel should be trying to salvage something of its already blackened, if not totally destroyed international reputation. Yet this is not the case, along with other Knesset decisions such as the recent decision to possibly expel the siblings of legally working foreigners. Israel has again openly shown its total abhorrence for all things and peoples who happen not to be Israeli.