The Israeli Authorities and the Jerusalem Municipality demolished the Shepherd Hotel in Sheikh Jarrah, in occupied East Jerusalem.
Despite the UN, and to a far lesser extent the US, condemnation of the destruction of properties in the occupied areas of Palestine, the Israeli government continue their policy of ethnic cleansing.
The world media will report the destruction of the Shepherd Hotel as the ongoing demolition of Palestinian property, if it is reported at all.
But what is being missed or purposely left out is the fact that when a Palestinian home is destroyed or stolen by the Israeli state and given to an Israeli family, the Palestinian resident is no longer in most cases able to live in or close to the area of their original home /birth, in other words they have been ethnically cleansed from that area.
We (not living in Palestine) tend to over simplify these actions, and often vent our rage at the fact that another property has been demolished.
However, there is a very real human tragedy at play here, a Palestinian Father has now no option but to move his Wife and siblings, and in some cases older family members in with other relatives.
In turn the original action by the state of Israel not only destroys a Palestinian home, not only cleanses the area of that Palestinian family, but also in most cases plunges the family evicted and their relatives into severe poverty.