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Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Friday, February 4, 2011

How some media & neighbouring countries are using the Pro-Democracy protesters for their own gain!

Many times today during the protest within Tahrir Square, feeling among the crowd went from happiness to total euphoria as rumour spread that Mubarak had stepped down from the position of President of Egypt. However, the celebrations were short lived as the spreading rumours were dispelled.

The leaders of the collective within Tahrir square, which is very much in the media eye, need to make a greater effort to deny the rumours being spread by some neighbouring Governments and journalists in TV, Radio, Print and online media, who claim that this is some sort of Arab uprising or Islamic take- over of the state and country.
Without a doubt these claims are totally self serving and in direct contradiction of the actual demographics on the ground in Cairo.

The leaders of Israel have wasted NO time in pointing out that the Muslim Brotherhood are involved and propagandising in their own favour, by creating a picture of total uprising and bloodshed throughout the Middle East.
The Egyptian Government have not denied this possibility and have used such scare mongering to frighten both, their own people and to use as an excuse to their partners in the West.

Along with this are some journalists who use very emotive terms such as Uprising, Islamic Awakening and Sectarian Division , in order to make otherwise dull or uninteresting blogs or newspaper articles appear more dramatic and thus more interesting to a wider audience, regardless of the harm their ramblings might bring upon the peaceful, human rights activists and democracy protesters in Tahrir square.

This is not a Movie, there is NO script, no Actors. It is very real and those who have lost their lives, are currently being mourned. The families of the deceased are suffering . Mothers, Fathers and children experiencing real and terrible pain. Those who have been injured are, and in some cases will continue to experience further pain and psychological scarring.

Everybody would agree that emotion can be a human flaw, and we get carried away at times with either raw emotion or excitement, often saying and doing things that we otherwise would never dream of.
However there are media outlets and indeed neighbouring governments that are purposely using emotive terms to further their ongoing arguments / Issues with some governments in the West, but in turn almost all sides are using the people of Tahrir Square as pawns.

As I have said before there is nothing romantic about being faced with government sponsored thugs charging at you with God knows what kind of weaponry, nothing COOL about facing the very thugs that before, and possibly after this period, may actually recognise you, as you go about your day to day business, whilst they are Policing the streets of Cairo. Nothing at all comforting about standing night after night in the cold and rain, only to see no gains at the barricades the following day.
Yet despite this, these people crave democracy so much, that they are willing to make that sort of sacrifice for the chance of a better life for them and their children.

It is therefore Shameful to use the people of Tahrir square to further some other agenda, remember that is exactly what the Men, Women and Children, Young, Middle aged and Old, Religious and secular are fighting against.


Mubarak: The last days of a Dictator

Thus far the US and the UN have been to say the very least, diplomatic with their condemnation of what the world is now witnessing going on in Cairo. Journalists have been arrested in their droves or have been attacked and beaten by Government Goons (so called Mubarak supporters), for daring to show the truth about what is taking place.

The Egyptian government have denied all claims that they were somehow responsible for the thugs on the streets, despite the fact that the media has seen and recorded the capture of these thugs and witnessed that they were CARD carrying government agents (Police, Special Forces etc), along with this was the pictures and film which clearly shows a high ranking Police Officer inciting people to riot against the pro-democracy peaceful protesters.

The so called Jan 25th or Pro-democracy protesters have managed to hold Tahrir square heroically and against all odds now for almost 24 hrs by barricading themselves into the square.
However this is no longer just defiance it is also fear, they are afraid of leaving now because of what they have witnessed and had to endure in the past two days.

There is nothing “romantic or poetic” about watching your own people die at your feet nor is there comfort in knowing that those injured will make it back to the front lines the next day to continue the protests, for what are after all only BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.
Behind the barricades are humans, people feeling all the effects of the cold and hunger and the lack of medical supplies, along with the ongoing attacks by state sponsored thugs.

This is NOT an Arab uprising nor an Islamic uprising (as is being reported) by some of the media, it is humans striving to survive and fight for a better future for their children and in some cases their grandchildren. It is a mixture of the old, middle aged and people between 18 and 30 years of age, Doctors, Lawyers, Judges and the ordinary people of Egypt.

History will no doubt record this period in time, as either the democratisation of Egypt or the quelling of an uprising against the Mubarak government. Recording history is that fickle, the party that controls the outcome is thus victorious, and by default allowed to rewrite history as they please.

This is the reason that International Free Press (ALJAZEERA etc), is so very important, as they record an alternative account of what took place on the ground during any period of conflict. This alternative view at least contradicts the romantic or patriotic view that very often fails to show the hardship and fear, hatred and organised bullying of the ordinary people.

Journalists are never afforded the luxury of taking sides or predicting the future, however that said, one can only admire the bravery of the Pro-democracy people and applaud their peaceful stance against what is state controlled tyranny. The P.M’s apology earlier today was indeed a very empty gesture and actually shows the ingrained tyrannical attitude of talking down to their people.

The outcome will be the end of the Mubarak dictatorship, there is no doubt about this. However I fear there will be much more upheaval over the next couple of days and then the handing over of power to the current Vice President with the promise of free elections in the future.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mubarak’s words turn calm, peace and celebration in to fear amongst the people of Egypt

At approximately 22:30 hrs (GMT) and 00:30hrs (Local time), Pro-Mubarak demonstrators appeared near Tahrir square in numbers no larger that between 320 and 350, they appeared to be armed and looking for conflict. The Army around the square went into heightened alert and began to put on their bullet proof vests in preparation for some sort of conflict.

However the pro demonstrators went on, passing Tahrir square shouting support for Mubarak, some were on motorcycles and appeared to be members of the police / security services. Similar incidents took place in Alexandria and other areas of Egypt.

It is at the very least suspicious, that all of a sudden there was a movement of people (it appears, All over Egypt) coming out to show their support and solidarity for Mubarak, albeit only in small numbers. State TV is now showing a crowd of no more than about 500 people said to be the citizens of Egypt supporting their President. Mubarak’s statement on TV a couple of hours ago appears to have served to incite hatred and violence between citizens that until today DID NOT exist in this Peoples revolution.

The great SHAME is that apart from the deaths and violence of the first few days, this revolution of the people has, and at least for the moment, continues to be totally non-violent and almost a general feeling of total celebration consumed those in Tahrir square and other areas of other cities around Egypt.


Over 2 Million in Tahrir square, whilst Blair on most News networks

It is now estimated that there is in the region of 2 MILLION PLUS people now gathered in Tahrir Square calling for the removal of Mubarak.

The soldiers have kept their promise not to go against the people, and have allowed free gathering of the people and in several unprecedented scenes , soldiers have been heard answering the calls and protests of the those gathered.

The congregation is again like previous days, made up of people of totally differing aspects of society, TV Presenters from the national network, football stars, Judges, Lawyers, Street cleaners, Taxi drivers and the unemployed all together as ONE!, nobody is more or less important to the collective and all are equal.
Despite the fact that food stuffs and other basic needs are slowly becoming very hard to obtain, anybody with food or drink to spare is bringing these supplies to Tahrir Square to share with their comrades and the soldiers on duty near by..

The decision was taken at about 12:00hrs (GMT) 14:00hrs (Local time) that the collective should not march on the Presidential HQ, but instead HOLD the strategic position of Tahrir Square.
Despite the Mubarak government’s efforts to stop the people from assembling in Cairo, by for example: halting all trains into the city, cutting mobile phones, Twitter, Face Book (Internet etc), the call to the people to assemble in what was called the “Million Man March” HAS BEEN HEARD, as now over 2 Million have made it to Tahrir Square.

Many among the protesters have asked about the absence of reporters from the state TV news station, which has thus far not reported on the masses gathered in Tahrir square, instead pointing their cameras towards a poultry gathering of so called pro-Mubarak supporters, which the opposition has suggested were paid to march in support of Mubarak.
However, unlike Mr Mubarak’s regime, those collected in Tahrir square have stated that the people amongst the Pro-Mubarak group, are very much entitled to their views.

Every commentator of almost every news network worldwide, is asking the same question of their guests and collected experts, that question is: “Is this the end for Mubarak?”

The US, UN and Europe are strangely muted on the whole subject of the uprising in Egypt, except for the Turkish Minister who has said his government supports the will of the people in Egypt. On the other hand Israeli newspapers report that Ministers in Israel are asking their associates in the US and Europe to support Mubarak. Whilst at the same time Mr Blair has been on almost every network News, Sky, Fox, France 24, RT and the BBC, and it appears he is suggesting that it is fine for Egypt to have democracy, so long as it does NOT interfere in the status Quo between the Palestinians and Israel.
Blair has also suggested that the west would be worried about the possibility of the Muslim Brotherhood gaining any hold on politics in Egypt.

Almost every news network still able to report from Tahrir square, are reporting the same thing. That is, that the collective within the square is a peaceful one, full of hope for the future and determination to succeed regardless of how long it takes to unseat Mubarak. Many reporters claiming that the atmosphere is very much like a festival, one reporter comparing it to WOODSTOCK.

Security within the square has been taken care of by the citizens themselves, Egyptians were asked to form lines one for Women and another for Men and they were searched by their fellow citizens. This was to avoid infiltration by thugs (Government special police) and also to ensure that the protest remained peaceful.
Further to this, all day the Citizens formed a huge Human chain, linking hands to ensure no entry to saboteurs or those considered involved in recent acts of violence in the city.

More than 2 Million in the square and an estimated 400,000 more around the city who were unable to get into Tahrir square because of pure volume. There were also an estimated 700,00 and still growing, gathered in Alexandria and up to 1.2 Million gathered in other areas through out Egypt.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Egypt: True people power, as army receives order to use live ammunition

Regardless of the outcome of events in Egypt, what MUST at all costs be recognised is that this is pure people power. The protests are made up of all the peoples of Egypt, the rich, poor, the non-believers, Christians and Muslims. Brotherhood is more than just a gesture, it is real!

Tahrir square in Cairo is now inhabited by tens of thousands of peaceful protesters, and it is estimated that there will be in the region of hundreds of thousands within the next couple of hours. Thus far the army is only acting to secure the area and are not taking direct action against peaceful protest.

As the standoff continues the worry is that the army may at any time get the order to fire upon the people, there at least appears to be a less welcoming approach from the army, however thus far no action has been taken by the military against the people.
In the past couple of hours Judges and Lawyers have begun to join the protest and the feeling amongst the people is that they CAN NOT give up now for fear of retribution from the state, anyway there is absolutely no desire to give up until Mubarak leaves and free elections are allowed.

There have been several funerals today for those killed during the protests, this has only further exasperated the situation along with the fact that government Special Forces have closed down several news agencies such as the BBC and most recently ALJAZEERA.

The curfew today starts at 4oc (16:00hrs local time), or 2oc (14:00hrs GMT). The most recent development is that the Army have now been given the order to use LIVE Ammunition, which probably accounts for the stand-off and lessening of the kind of joyous greetings witnessed yesterday.

Egypt: The US on the fence whilst Israel watches nervously

Whilst our collective knowledge of the Middle East is very good, over the years our attention has been directed towards Palestine.
That said, every man and his dog, knows that Egypt is to human mankind the very seat of civilisation. Therefore what is being witnessed in Egypt brings a mixture of both pride and sadness.

Pride for the fact that this once great nation, repressed for so long, may be on their way to freedom. Sad from the point of view of the loss of life, 150 dead thus far and there are over 4,000 injured.

There have been alleged reports of government thugs (government special forces) trawling the streets looting and destroying property, their aim it is alleged, is to replace the collective fear of the people.
In other words creating a picture of total lawlessness in the hope that such crime will encourage the protesters to return to their areas to protect their belongings, the end result being that this way the protests become smaller and easily controlled. However, so far this has not been working and civilians have formed local protection groups, who patrol their areas during the night.

Interestingly, the statements from the USA, have only served to actually confuse things, they at least appear to be sitting on the fence, worried about attacking Mubarak in case he holds on to power and at the same time unwilling to go against the people for the same reason.

Needless to say Israel is increasingly worried about this situation, the repression of the Egyptian people has served Israel well over the past three decades and the people of Egypt are fully aware of this fact. Netanyahu's only statement is that they are watching things unfold in Egypt.

There is an old saying, “A good neighbour who may not share ones beliefs, is STILL a good neighbour” in other words, one can have friends of differing beliefs or morals, who may differ in almost every way, yet because they are good friends they are accepted.

Perhaps something for Egypt’s neighbours to consider.