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Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mubarak: The last days of a Dictator

Thus far the US and the UN have been to say the very least, diplomatic with their condemnation of what the world is now witnessing going on in Cairo. Journalists have been arrested in their droves or have been attacked and beaten by Government Goons (so called Mubarak supporters), for daring to show the truth about what is taking place.

The Egyptian government have denied all claims that they were somehow responsible for the thugs on the streets, despite the fact that the media has seen and recorded the capture of these thugs and witnessed that they were CARD carrying government agents (Police, Special Forces etc), along with this was the pictures and film which clearly shows a high ranking Police Officer inciting people to riot against the pro-democracy peaceful protesters.

The so called Jan 25th or Pro-democracy protesters have managed to hold Tahrir square heroically and against all odds now for almost 24 hrs by barricading themselves into the square.
However this is no longer just defiance it is also fear, they are afraid of leaving now because of what they have witnessed and had to endure in the past two days.

There is nothing “romantic or poetic” about watching your own people die at your feet nor is there comfort in knowing that those injured will make it back to the front lines the next day to continue the protests, for what are after all only BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.
Behind the barricades are humans, people feeling all the effects of the cold and hunger and the lack of medical supplies, along with the ongoing attacks by state sponsored thugs.

This is NOT an Arab uprising nor an Islamic uprising (as is being reported) by some of the media, it is humans striving to survive and fight for a better future for their children and in some cases their grandchildren. It is a mixture of the old, middle aged and people between 18 and 30 years of age, Doctors, Lawyers, Judges and the ordinary people of Egypt.

History will no doubt record this period in time, as either the democratisation of Egypt or the quelling of an uprising against the Mubarak government. Recording history is that fickle, the party that controls the outcome is thus victorious, and by default allowed to rewrite history as they please.

This is the reason that International Free Press (ALJAZEERA etc), is so very important, as they record an alternative account of what took place on the ground during any period of conflict. This alternative view at least contradicts the romantic or patriotic view that very often fails to show the hardship and fear, hatred and organised bullying of the ordinary people.

Journalists are never afforded the luxury of taking sides or predicting the future, however that said, one can only admire the bravery of the Pro-democracy people and applaud their peaceful stance against what is state controlled tyranny. The P.M’s apology earlier today was indeed a very empty gesture and actually shows the ingrained tyrannical attitude of talking down to their people.

The outcome will be the end of the Mubarak dictatorship, there is no doubt about this. However I fear there will be much more upheaval over the next couple of days and then the handing over of power to the current Vice President with the promise of free elections in the future.


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