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Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Friday, July 2, 2010

Call a CAB to deal with Israel

It is not often you will see or hear that I have good words to say about almost all governments, However there are times when by mistake or indeed dire necessity a government will bring forward or enact a law, which can actually work.

The Irish government brought together a very well thought out law several years ago now, to deal with the criminal elements in this country. Effectively the law sought to freeze the bank accounts of those either under investigation, or already convicted of serious crimes. Thus far it seems to be working very well indeed. They even set up a specialist unit within or associated with the Gardai (Irish Police), It was to be known as CAB (The Criminal Assets Bureau).

Simplistically put, a gangland leader sells drugs in Ireland, he is caught in the act or after lengthy investigation, The Gardai pass their information over to the CAB, who in turn freeze the assets of said criminal. What follows is an investigation into the criminal's finances, Homes, vehicles, investments and money etc. which are all seized. In the event said criminal is convicted the state has the legal right to take all assets, except those legally acquired.

Now despite all the rhetoric from the Irish government, regarding the false passport issue and indeed the illegal seizure of the personal goods (laptops, cameras, credit cards etc.) of Irish citizens on board the M.V. Rachel Corrie and indeed the theft of the vessel itself, nothing at all has been done! NOTHING!

Now keep in mind that almost all countries around the world, except the good old US of A and Israel itself, have publicly demanded an international investigation into the Murders and the thefts of vessels and belongings. Almost all countries condemned Israel's actions as illegal, including the Irish government.

So here is my question, why hasn't the Irish government ordered CAB to seize all bank accounts and property in Ireland, belonging to the state of Israel?
After all, all the actions taken by Israel, as mentioned above are almost universally recognised as ILLEGAL, or if you like criminal acts against the state of Ireland. If the Irish government were to take this action, it would then without doubt, lead to an international investigation into the incidents mentioned.

There are no changes to be made to the constitution of this country, nor does any law need to be updated, the law is there, just waiting to be enforced.

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