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Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Obama: US Veto is green light to militant Israeli Settler and JDL thugs

The recent US Veto has effectively given the Settler Thugs the green light to attack Palestinians and recognised Palestinian lands.

This is the real effect of the badly considered US decision to use their veto and go against the other 14 members. The settler communities are growing stronger due to the donations from American (so called) Christians, who not only provide monies to the settler leaders but also actively take part in assisting settlers in working land that has been stolen from the Palestinian people. The monies donated to the settlers, also provides them with the ability to buy arms that are used directly against the Palestinian people, and in a lot of cases in full view of the Israeli Military (IDF).
The so called Illegal outposts held by extremist settlers are overlooked by the Israeli government and the Police / Military even though they are illegal under the Geneva convention and considered illegal under Israeli law. There have been many recorded cases of settlers from these outposts attacking Palestinians whilst being accompanied by members of the IDF.

The JDL (Jewish Defence League) which has an International reputation for terrorism and racism, is very strong in areas surrounding Hebron, where Palestinians on a daily basis are faced with racist abuse and direct attacks by the settlers. The threats range from calling for the rape of Muslim women to direct calls for all Arabs to be sent to the gas chambers. Whilst the assaults range from women being kicked by Settlers and Palestinian adults and children are regularly stoned and verbally abused on their way from school, or to and from their work place.

We mentioned here in this blog back in December 2010, that we had received information that the Israeli government was to launch a “Charm Offensive” via media and newspaper correspondents, those with notoriety in the areas of Film making, Politics and so called right wing groups around (Racists) Europe and the US. Within the past 24 hours the news has broke that Israel intends to invest approximately $1.6 million in bettering their image.

This is as a direct result of Israel being snubbed by European leaders and some leaders in the South Americas. Israel is becoming more and more isolated from the greater world, as there is a sudden awakening to the ongoing violations of Human Rights and indeed continuous violations of the Geneva Convention. Increasingly Israel is seen as the aggressor in the Israel /Palestine situation and thus their image is bearing the brunt of the backlash.

Recent allegiance to Israel by such groups as the EDL and other right wing and Neo-Nazi groups is harming the once respectable image that Israel tried so hard to present to the world. Add to this the fact that the radical Rabbis calling for such actions as driving the Palestinians into the sea are increasingly been seen as on par with the Islamist Radicals. Not anymore just a voice box for the JDL and other militant Israeli groups, but now being considered as a threat to the greater world.

The monies earmarked by the Israeli government to improve the image of the country and its military, would be better spent on improving the situation of the Palestinian people imprisoned in the Gaza open air prison and other areas such as the West Bank, as IS Israel’s DUTY under the Geneva Convention.

It could be spent on restoring business destroyed by Israel during the war on Gaza, or for the restoration of homes and schools bombed mindlessly.

Instead the monies will be spent to improve relationships (Bribes) and in an attempt to buy off media and those against the current situation in Palestine.

Whilst at the same time the Israeli military (IDF) will continue to perform assassinations and incursions into the Gaza strip along with the destruction of Farm lands and Olive Trees, in a direct attempt to get a reaction from Hamas and other factions within Gaza.

Then the Israeli State can show rocket fire from Gaza as an excuse to again attack the strip and thus give the appearance to the greater world of being the victims of Palestinian aggression.

Hate Graffiti : photos 1 to 5 courtesy of Creative Commons

EDL photo: Unkown, Possibly AP


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